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Monday, October 11, 2010

Wow, last post of mine was in June!
Gonna blog about my bali trippp=)
Got back from Bali yest, 6d5n and it pass like so damn fast.
No pics, YET. cause someone lost her cam cable. haha. so let me bored you with WORDS=)
I'll keep it short, promised=)

Spend 6days in bali, and we went out for drinks every other night.
What to do? Cause we don wann waste our time sleeping in the hotel so we went out for drinks.
Did alot more activity as compared to the first time we went.

We tried water sports such as rolling donut, flying fish and parasailing which i love the MOST=) The agent tried to jack up the price while making the payment, but once we told em its very diff frm the price on the internet, there's nth to do but to re-quote us. smart right!=)

VIsited their temple, textile, art museum. Went to the volcano and even visited the monkey forest. Monkeys there are reallly fierce and scary! we dont even dare to walk further in, just stayed around the counter and look at the "cute" little animal, SNATCHING bananas from tourist. =S Saw the traditional
We did rafting as usual, but it's at talagawa river this time. Its much shorter, but alot more fun and exciting. thank god for nice weather, not really hot. but i'm still quite tanned though! =) And we went for their traditional dance while having dinner.=)

Massage there is real cheap, we did pedi and mani there too!=) And the most exciting of all, we tried on a motorbikee! haha. Just turn the "handle" and off we go!haha!
Another amazing thing is that there's local there selling drugs on the street! Offered lik cocaine, estacy.
Really had lots of fun in Bali!!

Back to work tmr. But i'm really giving up real soon. Aft so long of hardwork, results is not really showing. I dont see a point anymore.
You guys can say whatever you want.qinyan is so useless, job-hopping, giving up so easily. whatever fcking shit, but its my life, my decision. shut the fuck up "darlings"! =)

And i miss my REAL darling alot!

Krist - miss your bitchness lar!
apple - take care in m'sia. Meet up when your back =)
mala - Miss our "drunkness"!
hope - been texting me, i noe you miss me! haha. see you soon too!=)

GOnna do my reseearch soon, i'll be "free" real soon!!

Finished @ 8:13 PM

Saturday, June 12, 2010

staying home on a SATURDAY is a BOOHOO =((

reasons why i'm home on a weekend:
-no date! :(
-already at bp area, so dont feel like going out

Yes, I'm already broke on the 12th day of my payday. dunno why also:(
went to bp earlier on to support cousiee on her StarStruck singing competition!
wooho she got in FIRST! wad a talented cousie i have! haha.
neighbours are so excited watching the World Cup. can hear them shouting wooo/aahhh/gooalll from my house!lol.
i'm soooo in the mood to sit down in a BAR/PUB to watch too! any1! =)

Finished @ 11:20 PM

Thursday, April 1, 2010

last day of work for this week.
And i'm heading to universal studio with dear cousie!
bring clothes to change for tml =)
another week had past, and still, there's no sales!
but i MIGHT have one potential. HOPEFULLY. i wish hard again =x

Manage to finish READING a book that i borrowed from sister.
starts to like reading. hope this will continue.lol!
just done with my research and i'm heading to bed.

Long weekenddddd!! i love easter day! =)

Finished @ 12:10 AM

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

and yes, due to certain reasons. I need to delete my previous post.
Wann noe why? ask me! not gonna be so dumb to post it here.=)
Wed already. This week wasnt that fast. Cousie is going desaru soon!
and parents are coming back from China tml... Good and bad!
good, cause they gonna bring back lots of foooddiee for me!
And bad cause, they gonna start nagging me soon.lol!

Wil be doing my hair soon. its damn jialat! Going for treatment real soon!
feel like eating korean... ANYBODY?!

Finished @ 9:27 PM

Monday, March 15, 2010

Time passes so fast! it's tuesday tml.
had a great weekend! =)
fri went dinner shopping movie with crazy fren.
Got a clutch from aldo! which is like damn frking cheap.lol.
we caught alice in 3d and indeed it gives ppl headache!
the show was alright, not really fantastic.
nr home. first time taking nr by home by myself. if not i'll normally cab/be with fren.

Sat morning didn't go church. went shopping with mum at 313, cause she needs to get some clothes for her trip to china.
bought a top for her and bring her for dim sum at ding tai feng. heh heh!
wad a "xiao shun" daughter i am.haha.
reach home, had DINNER and went to crazy fren house.
drink, prep and head over to atticatoo. didnt really stay till late. went off about 3plus.
yes, tats counted early if not we'll normally stay till 6. lol
mac-ed back to her place. slack slp and home!

sun went over to grandpa's place for his birthday celebration!
thats when we'll get to meet cousiees again, other den cny.
was quite bored so cousie suggested mj! and we play. haha!
without cash, just play for fun! quite nice lar, didnt forget my skills.
i think i can go solo, just tat i'll be doing all the "rubbish hu" HAHA.

tats how i spend my weekend! fun-filled.lol.
i wann go shopping this week! i NEED new shoesss!
pay day's only on the 1st.CANT WAIT! =D

Finished @ 8:17 PM

Monday, February 22, 2010

Blogging again! no mood to work totally. guess its last week of wrk thats why!
mgr is gone, and boss said he got some other stuff for me to do.
thats why he need me to be here.
but he's not even in to pass me the assigment :S
waste my time!
i rather don get pay and stay at home.

slept ard 2plus last night, and i'm drinking coffee to keep myself awake! :S
and i dream of him again last night.LOL. super lame larr!

"new boss" haven get back to me on when he wants me to go down to sign the employment letter! damn sian! hope i can really get the job!!
sleepy tired. i wonder how i'm gonna spend my day in office with NOTHING for me to do.

Finished @ 10:52 AM

went to second aunt hse today! :)
we were the first to reach, so we had dinner first.
aft catch up with cousiees and started gambling ard 8plus!
aft like 2hrs i only win 4bucks.lol. but at least i win right?

another table were playing mj. wanted to go over and kaypo abit.HAHA.but didnt
cause i didnt know them, so i stick to the other table.haha!
den cousin's cousin came. and my sis somehow noe them.
lol. and i realise one of them had the same b'day as me! HAHA.
10dec. :) so qiao!!! haha!

left ard 11plus and reach home. tired sticky sleepy.
but i'm still here blogging! sleeping soon, i hope! =/

Finished @ 12:59 AM

be YourSelf
